1. Any paper can't be folded into two 7 times.
2. Every drop of sea water contains about 1 billion atom of gold.
3. Men can read small writings better than women, but women's ears are better than men's.
4. Lion costume in "Wizard of Oz" was made from real lion skin.
5. Monaco's national orchestra has more members than the army of Monaco.
6. Apples can make you stay up longer than coffee.
7. Barbie's full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts.
8. Hawaiian girls aren't allowed to cook.
9. Walt Disney was scared of rats.
10. Napoleon made his battle tactics in a sand box.
11. Elephants are the only animal in this world which can't jump.
12. 75% of America's population got dehydration.
13. In year 1933, Mickey Mouse got 800,000 fans letters.
14. 10 tons of dust fall to the earth everyday.
15. Egg consumption for Americans is 263 every year.
16. Fatal traffic accidents mostly happen on Saturday.
17. A new book is printed every 13 minutes in America.
18. Koala's palm is very similar to human's.
19. Dolphins don't breathe automatically, they reminds themselves to.
20. Every year, the moon moves 3.82 cm farther from the earth.
21. Drinking 5 glass of water everyday reduces the risk of cancer until 45%.
22. Grapes will explode if heated in microwave.
23. Sharks never get sick, they are immune to any kinds of illness.
24. Grasshoppers will sting themselves until they die if given liquor.
25. In year 1894 there were only 4 cars in the USA.
Stay tuned for more surprising facts of the world...
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