Tuesday 7 July 2009

new term, new class, a whole new classmates!

hola, folks! i've been wondering whether or not anyone still remember we have a blog. haha. XD

anywaay.... today is the first day of the new term at kelt. and i met new friends. well, all of them are new to me, except Eric, and Ayu, and of course, Adryan. lol. XP

our teacher this time is Xenia. She's quite funny, and fun too.. i think her lessons won't be too boring. x))

fyi, the class is so full. there're 16 students, with only 5 girls. there's a big different compared to our old class (we didn't have that many members). haha. XD. athina's lil' brother is here, too! he's nothing like athina. they look so different. >_<"

so.. about the new guys. I'm cool with them. but they're not as noisy as us. only 2/3 students who act as the noisemakers in class. 

oh, and i got a fun fact about their previous term (with Darren). apparently, the girls didn't really enjoy Darren's class. They think Xenia is better (but I don't think so). They said it was because Darren often got angry at them and.. even swear to them several times! (omg, a girl confessed that he called them 'vegetables'? I honestly didn't quite get this one. maybe i heard it wrong.). well, he did swear at us as well, he said something like 'stupid bastard' quite often (is that counted as a swearing word?) That girl also told me that Darren considered them as too quiet, and not so active. (unlike us. haha. XP)

btw, do you remember about the odd guy Darren often talked to us about? Evan is his name. yes, he's sooo quiet, almost never say anything unless spoken. But he didn't answer when Xenia asked him what he found interesting about one of his mate.. (what a strange dude). I think he only speaks when the question can be answered shortly. X3... the other classmates said that he doesn't really speak, too. hmm.. ==; . even during the break, he stayed still. all he did was playing with his NDS. gosh! what's wrong with him? XD

okay, i think that's enough about this new class. can't say anything more than this. and no offence or hurt feeling, k? X3

ps : sorry if this is so dead boring. i've warned you once, my story won't be as exciting as Athina's. lols. XP. my bad.. x)). and i miss our usual class.... ^^. 

how's everyone doing? write something in this blog, pleasseeeee???


Last term, I had hoped the last lesson would end with a bang. But you see, it was downright BORING! We planned to go out and eat together at this restaurant called "Leko" but Darren canceled at the last moment coz his gf got sick, and Ivan didn't come too... =.= Really. I'm sad. And we even forgot to take pictures (in Leko). We did take quite a few at Kelt, but I want moaarrrrr D:<

We were in class, going over our results blah blah blah... It took hours to finish, then we scribbled on the board, and Darren drew 2 pictures, one of him and one of Haji Bob. (inside joke, no offense meant) My results wasn't good enough to guarantee me an A in CAE, and it didn't help that I only had, like, a week or so to go.

I had completely forgotten about the test 'til the day before it... Until I came to school to return my report card and met Stacy. She said, "So tomorrow's the big day, huh?" and I was like, o_O lolwhut? I can't believe I totally forgot... Thank you very much for reminding me, Stez... >o<"
So, the reading was okay, EiU was okay, too, listening wasn't that hard, and I think I managed to do the writing task "okay-ly"... It felt easier than all the mock tests I'd taken back in Advanced, and it's exactly what's making me nervous. T_T The real thing can't be that easy, can it? 1-2 months and results should be out. I'm crossing my hands.

And to our juniors out there - have fun in Advanced class >:D And don't forget to introduce the blog to the other Adv kids, okay? And be sure to update it x]

Friday 29 May 2009

Star Sign

Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs. Check it out!

Virgo - The Perfectionist
Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to.. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic. 

Scorpio - The Intense One
Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional. 

Libra - The Harmonizer
Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible. 

Aries - The Daredevil
Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (Easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lose interest quickly - easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic. 

Aquarius - The Sweetheart
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality. 

Gemini - The Chatterbox
Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable but needs to express themselves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likes change. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seem superficial or inconsistent, but is only changeable. Beautiful physically and mentally. 

Leo - The Boss
Very organized. Need order in their lives - like being in control. Like boundaries. Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help others. Social and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous, warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy. Full of themselves. Loving. Doing the right thing is important to Leos. Attractive. 

Cancer - The Protector
Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life. Protective.. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic. 

Pisces - The Dreamer
Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don't like details Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful. 

Capricorn - The Go-Getter
Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly y at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want. 

Taurus - The Enduring One
Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous. 

Sagittarius - The Happy-Go-Lucky One
Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing. Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn't like being doubted. Beautiful inside and out. 

How's that? Matches your description?

Do you know...? III

1. Blue whale's tongue is heavier than an adult elephant.

2. Yoyo was originally a weapon of the 16th century in The Philipines.

3. A cat is able to make 100 different voices, while a dog can only make 10 different voices.

4. In the past, aluminium was more pricey than gold.

5. Every year, 5000 earthquakes happen in Alaska.

6. Beans are ingredients for making dynamites.

7. Tazmania is said to be the country of cleanest water.

8. 11 cities in USA is named Moscow.

9. In Shanghai, having a red car is illegal.

10. Walt Disney World produces approximately 120,000 pounds of trash everyday.

11. Folder titled "con" can't be created in Microsoft Windows.

12. In some islands in Caribbean, cockles can climb trees.

13. City named Rome exists in every continent.

14. New Zealand is the first country which permits women to vote.

15. Men laugh longer, louder and more often than women.

16. 1 of 500 people has 1 blue eye and 1 brown eye.

17. Bananas contain natural chemicals which can make someone happy.

18. In ancient Greek, a woman is sentenced to death if she had watched Olympics even just once.

19. Hyenas eat other animals poo regularly.

20. To smile needs 17 muscles contraction while to get angry needs 43 muscles contraction.

21. All polar bears are left handed.

22. Only 1 of 2 billion people can live until the age of 116 or longer.

Stay tuned for more surprising facts of the world...

Sometimes We Need To Say Sorry

Last night you and your best friend had a fight.
You decide not to talk to her the next day.
She smiles at you. You grind your teeth at her.
She tells her friends nice things about you. You spread bad rumours about her.
She tries to come and talk to you, but you push her aside.
She thinks you are a good friend. You think she is a terrible friend.
She writes a note to you, telling you the best times you had together.
You write all the bad.
Deep down you know she's sorry.
But all you have is hate.

The next day at school you find a note on you desk. It reads:
Dear Isabella,
I tried to tell you yesterday, but you didn't let me speak. I tried to tell you good things, but you were afraid to hear them. I tried to smile at you, to take away the hate. But now it'st time to tell you, eventhough it's a bit late. That I'm dying. I have a bad tumor in my stomach and it's getting bigger. I'm sorry to tell you that I won't be able to go to school today. I wrote this to you today in the hospital. My time is up. I'm sorry I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry about our arguement, you're such a good friend. I promise I shall watch over you.
Lots of love,

Isabela run to the hospital to telll her she was sorry, but only her mum was left. Her hand clapped over her face. And she was crying. Down on her knee she prayed, for her daughter Katie to come back. You, Isabella were too late. You wish you told her sooner and got to say goodbye.

All friends have their ups and downs, and sometimes you  need to say sorry. Don't wait for her to do it first. Because you never know what could happen.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Funny as hell.

Damn. I keep forgetting the ID and password. Anyway, there was this really interesting lesson the other day... I'll tell you all about it.
I think it was on a Friday. It was supposed to be another boring lesson, it was Friday, and everyone was sitting slumped on their chairs. The author of this post, was also really exhausted and was already nodding off at the start of the lesson.
We were going to practice stress and emphasis again, in sentences! *rolls eyes* And we were going to have this conversation thingy about eating out. Now this is when the fun began...
Since most of us weren't accustomed to consciously adding stress every time we speak, everything we said sounded like something coming out of a soap opera, it was so fake and made up. We were trying our best to sound "nice". While some of us were as expressionless as a robot dozing off, some of us were more... expressive, so to say.
Now we know a certain someone in our class with an accent like Simon's, and a voice fit for a pr0n-ad-voice-over (lol for real). As the words "A cold, Tiger beer" came out as smooth as silk... we just couldn't hold back our laughter. From Anthony to Santy, everyone in the class had a chance to say the words. Ivan was the pr0n-ad-voice-over, while my voice was like "A naked model promoting a cold Tiger beer" as Darren put it. IMAGINE!
Suffice to say, we really had fun that evening. xD Doing the script over, and over again, and trying to perfect our "accent", "pronunciation", and "the use of stress at the right places in the right way".

If any of you are curious, this was the said dialogues. The italicised words are where we were supposed to add more stress.

Andy : Let's go to a restaurant.
Billy : What kind of restaurant?
Andy : Any kind of restaurant.
Billy : I know an Italian restaurant.
Andy : Is that the new Italian restaurant?
Billy : There are two new Italian restaurants. No. I mean the old one.

- In the said restaurant -
Waiter : Are you ready to order?
Andy : I'll have a pizza.
Waiter : What kind of pizza?
Andy : Seafood, please. Medium. With salad. Mixed salad. And a Coke. (most of this part came out as shouts the many times we tried)
Waiter : And for you, Sir?
Billy : American pizza, please. A la-a-arge American pizza.
Waiter : Salad?
Billy : No, thanks. Just a beer. A cold Tiger beer.

- food came out -

Waiter : Here are your drinks. Two Cokes.
Billy : I asked for a beer.

And we're in Advanced F. *sarcastic roll of the eyes*


Saturday 2 May 2009

Do you know...? II

1. Any paper can't be folded into two 7 times.

2. Every drop of sea water contains about 1 billion atom of gold.

3. Men can read small writings better than women, but women's ears are better than men's.

4. Lion costume in "Wizard of Oz" was made from real lion skin.

5. Monaco's national orchestra has more members than the army of Monaco.

6. Apples can make you stay up longer than coffee.

7. Barbie's full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts.

8. Hawaiian girls aren't allowed to cook.

9. Walt Disney was scared of rats.

10. Napoleon made his battle tactics in a sand box.

11. Elephants are the only animal in this world which can't jump.

12. 75% of America's population got dehydration.

13. In year 1933, Mickey Mouse got 800,000 fans letters.

14. 10 tons of dust fall to the earth everyday.

15. Egg consumption for Americans is 263 every year.

16. Fatal traffic accidents mostly happen on Saturday.

17. A new book is printed every 13 minutes in America.

18. Koala's palm is very similar to human's.

19. Dolphins don't breathe automatically, they reminds themselves to.

20. Every year, the moon moves 3.82 cm farther from the earth.

21. Drinking 5 glass of water everyday reduces the risk of cancer until 45%.

22. Grapes will explode if heated in microwave.

23. Sharks never get sick, they are immune to any kinds of illness.

24. Grasshoppers will sting themselves until they die if given liquor.

25. In year 1894 there were only 4 cars in the USA.

Stay tuned for more surprising facts of the world...

Monday 13 April 2009

Splendid Changsha: A Travel Guide for China Lovers

Changsha is the capital city of the Hunan Province. This was the capital city of the Changsha Kingdom during the Han dynasty. That is why you can find a mausoleum for the Han dynasty’s emperors. This mausoleum is a must-visit place for history junkies, it shows us lots of Chinese civilisation from as early as the 1st century.

For international tourists, it can be quite confusing to get into this city. The best way to get into this city is via Hong Kong. You can just take a China Southern Airlines flight from Hong Kong International Airport.

This city can be categorised as a paradise for shopaholics, there are lots of places where you can buy anything you want cheaply, but most of them are not goods of a high quality. To get the best price, you should be very good at haggling. I strongly recommend you to buy things for less than half of its original price.

Chinese nationalists, who usually revere Mao Zedong, should visit his childhood house. Most of the nationalists also consider the river near this house as the place where Mao trained his body and soul. He used to swim in this river in the winter, so that he got used to with abhorrent circumstances to face.

The accommodation and food in this country can’t be said as classy. However, it’s affordable for most people. You can get a big bowl of fried rice, just for less than a dollar. For tourists who like going out all day long and which only use a hotel room for sleeping at night, you can go to 19 First Fenglin Road where Lushan Hotel is located. It is one of the best hotels where you can pick your choice to stay at. The room is comfortable with middle-class facilities, but I don’t think you should pay more for the breakfast. It is horrible, it is better for you to find a place to eat in the city. One-night rate in that hotel is as cheap as 22 USD.

Overall, this place is a very unique place for people who’d like to see China in two different perspectives. It combines the oriental side of China and the depiction of China as a Communist country.

We hope that this travel guide could make you a good,
skilful and well-informed traveller.

Author: Ivan Kristanto Santoso

Sunday 12 April 2009

Beauty of Bali - Amed, A Jewel Amongst Others

A 2-hour drive from the airport, through verdant rice fields, breathtaking scenery and seemingly endless coast will take you to one of the hidden jewels of Bali, far from the hot Kuta, which is always jam-packed with tourists and local peddlers, away from the hustle-and-bustle of good ol’ Denpasar, to the stunning coastal region of Amed.
Simplicity and minimalism is what will greet you upon arriving there. Although the area has developed considerably during the last few years, don’t expect to find nightclubs, malls nor traces of city life. First off, before you take off your clothes and jump in the serene waters of the sea, you need to find a hotel. There are many hotels here, ranging from cheap non-star hotels to luxurious ones. Whichever you choose, do keep in mind that it is near the beach and the sea. Otherwise you’ll be missing out on the biggest appeal of this secluded area: the sea life. Diving. Seriously, it is one of the best spots in Bali.

Anyway, the Coral View villas would be a great choice for the occasion. Whether you are alone, with family or a couple of friends, Coral View offers the best value for money. Built along the shore, it gives easy access to the beach. A Deluxe Room costs about what, USD$60? Pretty cheap. And a Family Suit costs $120. Breakfast is not included, but not to worry, for there are many more places where you can find delectable food with low prices.

One thing not to miss while you are here is the seafood. Be sure to try some of the local warungs which have seafood on their menu. If you prefer to dine in a restaurant, Baliku is a good choice, about 1km south of the Blue Moon hotel. Or just ask the locals for directions. xD They’ve got great Indonesian food.

Now that you’ve got yourself a hotel, and have no worries for chow, you ask, can we go taste the waters now? The answer is: yes! One exceptionally good spot for diving and sightseeing under the calm waters is called Tulamben, where an old shipwreck can be found. The black volcanic sand, combined with the eerie sunrays penetrating the water and the sight of the picturesque shipwreck is absolutely magnificent. Once-of-a-lifetime experience. The waters are relatively mild and there are hardly any currents, suitable even for amateurs. For those who prefer snorkeling, the highest part of the wreck stands at 4m below the water’s surface. A high variety of marine life can be found here, too many to list. If you decide to stay overnight, be sure to try night diving, which is best at full moon. Or early before the dawn breaks, when you might be able to catch a glimpse of a turtle.

If you’re looking to kill time and laze around, come around in the morning, bring a magazine or two, put on some sunscreen, and

lay down on your mat. It probably won’t take long to fall asleep, though.

The local fish market is also a sight to behold; the shouting of smelly and sweaty fishermen, the chaotic life of the market, the piles of fish just calling to be brought home and cooked. The best way to get around town is just to walk, and enjoy the occasional slight breeze caressing your face. You probably won’t even want to go anywhere far, considering the lazy time you can spend on the white sand of the pristine beaches.

Before you get all excited and start ooh’ing and ahh’ing, and probably go to the nearest travel agent to book a flight here, remember to pack your suitcase. The sunscreen, sunglasses and trunks or bikini and sandals are a must. Don’t forget casual attire such as shorts and simple shirts too. You can bring your own diving mask and wetsuits, but if you prefer to rent them here it’s fine, too.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your lazy bums up from your comfortable chair in front of the computer, and order a flight to Bali!

xD As if my writing isn’t convincing enough.
Well, not the last part, at least. T.T I got writer’s block for the last 5 days. T_____T

And don't ask me why the font is messed up. It keeps switching to Trebuchet, and then to Arial and now it's on Times. =.= And I can't change it back. Whatever.


Hey, it’s ME! Handsome, aren’t I? HAHAHA!!!

       If you ask what most Moslems want in their lives, the answer would be "going to Mecca." Sand and rock stand their ground to greet you. The boiling and dry weather make your adrenaline rush and yet, you would never witness anger and hatred driving people to fight each other. 

          Moslems, especially from Indonesia are willing to suck their wallets till it dries out to be able to reach Mecca. Huh? You’re asking why? Ask them. I don’t know. Back to the point, that is why, this city is a must visit for Moslems. Despite the expensive accommodations, Garuda Indonesia Airlines provides tickets to Mecca, not for free though. But if you still insist, maybe they will give up and give it for free (Just kidding).

          The trip to Mecca starts from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta. Visa is a vital aspect for the trip. You will find yourself flying towards Jeddah first for about 15 hours non stop. You do not have to worry about getting bored, since Garuda Airline can entertain you with their luxurious cabin, delicious meal, relaxing music and I won’t forget to mention clean toilet. 15 hours would feel like only 15 minutes. Do not believe it? Then try it yourself.

         Your exhausted self will be rejuvenated when you get to King Abdulaziz International Airport at Jeddah. The airport’s architecture lightens up the mood with the white colored ceiling as if you walk through a Dinosaur remnant. But do not expect anything from the airport staff, they are crappy people, I suggest you do not talk to them. From here SAPTCO buses are ready to drive you passing a modern multi-lane highway in the middle of the dessert to Mecca. Unless you are crazy, DO NOT wear thick clothing if you do not want to die yet. You will be dropped off at the city center terminal at the Haram al Sharif. However, this is restricted to Moslems only. Then what about Christians, Buddhist and other non-Moslem passengers? Do not worry if you’re not Moslem, you will not get killed. Non-Moslems passengers will use the other terminal outside the city limit.

          Coming inside a little bit… Further and further… Deep inside... Ahh! A fabulous hotel, Hilton, which enables you let your hair down, can be seen. It is a perfect place to observe the magnificent Masjidil Haram (Sacred Mosque) and Kaaba from its top rate restaurant (with absolutely delicious food of course) on the uppermost floor. The hotel is built on a shopping complex thus making it an effective place to spend the nights. For non-Moslems, Dar Al Tawhid Makkah on Ibrahim al Khalis (my name is Khalil) Street is ready to serve you. The hotel has beautiful views of Mecca even from the outside of the city itself.

         At last, the part we have been waiting for, the meal! There are many varieties of food in Mecca, from Middle Eastern Arab food to Southeast Asian food. American fast foods such as Kentucky Fried Chicken and Dunkin Donuts are also can be found here. The only thing you can not find is pork, this is because the Islamic Law of Saudi Arabia that forbids any part of the pig to be served. Good for you who do not like pigs. Finally, what you need the most in Mecca is beverages. Coca cola (normal or zero), Sprite, Fanta, Teh Botol Sosro, Soda Gembira and many others can be seen along the streets in Mecca. But do not copy what the advertisements on TV shows by pretending to be dreaming after drinking Coca cola zero by crossing the desert. I can guarantee your death that way. Carry mineral water to keep your body fit.

         That’s all about travel guide to Mecca. I hope by giving this walkthrough to you, you could have a safe and fun trip there. Enjoy!

Presented to you by:

Sir Kahlil & Sir Anthony

Balikpapan's travel guide

Balikpapan is the most modern city in East Kalimantan. There are many ways to get there. The easiest yet most expensive way is to go by plane. Garuda Indonesia serves at least 3 flights directly to Balikpapan’s airport, Sepinggan, in a day. Silk Air, which flies from Singapore, also has a flight to Balikpapan. But, there’re only a few in a week. The other way is to go by ship that takes more time (3 days journey) but won’t cost too much.

This exotic city has many hotels that vary in price, depends on the rate of the hotel. But the best hotel in town is probably the Blue Sky Hotel (a 4-star hotel), which located in the west side of the city, 25 minutes drive from Sepinggan Airport. It has a nice swimming pool and restaurant that serves many kind of food, from Western to Chinese. There’s only one thing that you must try while you’re there— their deer meat that is eaten together with a special bread. This hotel’s restaurant is the only place in Balikpapan that cooks this delicious dish.

Being famous for its timber, mining and petroleum export products, this small but attractive city surprisingly hides many beauties that can’t be missed. To make your journey even easier, you’ll need to rent a car while you’re here as many interesting places are mainly located far away from the city centre. But if you still want to go by bus or the other public transportations that are available, you have to be extra careful so that you won’t be tricked by the locals.

The first place you need to visit is the Crocodile Farm. Here you can see many species of crocodiles, from the adorable ones to the terrifying ones. If you’re hungry, you should try eating crocodiles’ visceral organ such as kidney, liver, etc. that’s served here. It’s a common thing for local people, especially men, to drink Tankur Buaya which is made from crocodiles’ testicular. They believe that this drink has the same effect as Viagra.

The next place you have to see is the Dayak Village at Tenggarong. It’ll take you 3 hours to get there by car. In this village live the original people from Kalimantan, the Dayaks. We recommend hiring a local tourist guide because Dayak people don’t speak Indonesian or even English. They have their own local language. If you come here in a group and if you’re lucky enough, they may perform their unique traditional dance to welcome you.

Don’t forget to pay a visit to the BOS (Orangutans Sanctuary and Eco Lodge). It’s a one hour journey by car from the city centre. This national park allows us to see Orangutans and Sun Bears in their natural habitat. You can also experience the wildlife in the jungle. In order to do that, you should take your outdoor equipments with you (walking boots, spare clothes, insect repellent, etc.).
So, make sure you visit Balikpapan for your next holiday. You won't be regret. x)

by : Santy & Fransisca

Adryan Nurdien's post...

The Holy Land of Saudi Arabia

There’s only one holy land for all Moslems in the world, located inside the town of Mecca, called the land of Haraam. In the land of Haraam, we can locate the world’s most sacred place for Moslems, the Haraam Mosque. Like all towns in the world, Mecca has some places of interests, like Nur Mountain, Arafah, and all historic places related to Islam. In Hajj season, you can fly directly from Surabaya to Jeddah, the capital city of Saudi Arabia. But most occasions, like Umrah, you have to go to another country first, then to Saudi Arabia. Like all journeys to other countries, you need your passports and visas, which is very important. It takes about 9-10 hours to go there.
There are also some shopping places and places to eat. They offer nice quality amenities like furniture, clothes, gadgets, etc. and nice and tasty food. Well, we can’t say that all food there is tasty, because of a different taste in culinary, but we still can find some fast food restaurant like Pizza Hut, Burger King, KFC, McDonald’s, Hardee’s, and so much more. We can go around Mecca by bus, which costs only 2 SAR. If you want to go by taxi, it’s much more expensive, around 10-20 times more than buses. We can rent a room in a hotel, the price varies, starting from 100 SAR. Some hotels offer intercontinental dishes. I can have Indonesian food there. But some local food is nice as well. You can try kebab, it’s the nicest food I’ve ever had there, if you know how to find the right cook. You can find fresh food, like milk, bread, vegetables, and so on. Because the bakery always bake bread every morning after the dusk prayer, so it’s really fresh and that what makes the prices of bread is so cheap and they have very nice taste.
Since it’s not an ordinary land, you can’t do anything as you wish. All kind of bad deeds will be punished immediately. In the other hand, if you do good deeds, the rewards will be given immediately. So everything needs to be done carefully. There’s one thing that needs to be done all the time there, which is, remembering the name of Allah.
Well, I guess that’s all that I can tell about Mecca. Oh, and one last thing, you have to be a Moslem to enter that city. Not to mention about some discrimination, but it’s a special place, not everyone is allowed to go inside that city. :)

Well, I only put a photo here...

Wednesday 1 April 2009

A New Episode

Like, Monday was our first lesson after a week-long holiday. Upon arriving at Kelt, the author went straight away to the receptionist's desk where she asked for the timetable, and who was supposed to teach her last term here. It turned out, the lucky teacher was... Darren! Or the "piercing guy", as one of us put it. xD Too bad she stopped coming to Kelt this term. Anyway, the author was sorta disappointed, for she had hoped to get Ian again. :P Not meaning to belittle you, Darren, but we did not know whether you were the fun type. :D

Anyway, a bit crestfallen, the author had considered skipping Monday's class, as Kelt's electricity was out too (it was DAMN HOT!). She changed her mind though, fortunately. We had gotten a new face in class (which turned out to be an old classmate), but an old one left us. :( Well, jump to when class started...

Her first impression of Darren was... "Dude. Is this guy serious? ==" (at a sentence he said, but she forgot what it was). She had expected the lesson to be boring, but it was not so. We had a little bit of fun, and we also found a little interesting fact: Darren designs tattooes! And he's got two on his right arm. Cool. :) The 2 hours felt like only 20 minutes, and even she enjoyed some parts of it. She learned quite a bit of new vocab and phrases, which /is/ unusual.
All in all, it made her look forward to the next lesson (which is also unusual).

Well, she gotta go now, so l8rs gators~ x3

Mucho love,

Tuesday 17 February 2009

The KNN Six o' Clock News with Sisca & Shirley

Click this link to check it out:
The KNN Six O Clock News with Sisca & Shirley
Note: The stories in this broadcast are in no way intended to be real or represent real people or events, they are only for the purposes of practising English and having a bit of fun in the English class.

Kahlil & Santy's 6 o'Clock News Bulletin on KNN

Kelt News Network news bulletin with Kahlil & Santy

Click this link to check it out:


Note: The stories in this broadcast are in no way intended to be real or represent real people or events, they are only intended for the purposes of practising English and having a bit of fun in the English class.

The KNN News at Six with Athina & Anthony

Kelt News Network news bulletin with Anthony and Athina.

Click this link to check it out: The KNN News at Six with Athina & Anthony
Note: The stories in this broadcast are in no way intended to be real or represent real people or events, they are only for the purposes of practising English and having a bit of fun in the English class.

Saturday 7 February 2009

A Teacher's Sacrifice

  Yogi (6 years) just entered his first day of elementary. He had been looking forward to that day since he thought school was fun.

  However, things didn't go like what he had expected when he met his math teacher, Ian. Ian was feared by the students because he looked like a bad guy. "Yogi, find the solution of this problem! If you can't then don't come back to your chair!" Ian shouted. Yogi was terrified, not just because Ian shouted but also because he was humiliated in front of the class.

  Yogi endured the day and hoped that Ian would never call him to the front anymore. However, because Yogi couldn't find the solution to the problem Ian gave, Ian called him in front of the class again the next day. Yogi was even frightened and started to hate school.

  At home, Yogi told the story to his mom. "Nah, maybe he just want you to learn. Realize his attention Yogi." Yogi's mom didn't believe Yogi and forced Yogi to go to school the next day. And like what Yogi thought, that day Ian did the same thing to Yogi again.

  "If you want children to learn, then humiliate him in front of the class, intimidate him and he'll learn faster!" said Ian to his friends at a restaurant. Of course, his friends were amazed by Ian's point of view.

  One day, Yogi pretended to be sick. "I'm sick mom, I can't go to school." But his mom knew about it and checked his temperature. He wasn't hot. "Stop pretending Yogi and go to school!" Mom pulled Yogi's leg. "No I don't want to! I don't want to meet Ian! NOOOO!!!" In the end, Yogi couldn't fight against his mom and went to school. "I'm off mom..."

  Thinking about what Ian would do to him, Yogi didn't concentrate on walking on the street. Suddenly he felt dizzy. He crossed the street without looking left or right. *TIN!* *BLAR!* Yogi was struck by a car.

  News came to Yogi's mother's ears and she went to the hospital where Yogi was taken in. Ian was told about that as well. "Where's Yogi?!" Ian broke in Yogi's room. "Yogi's legs are in need of operation. Or else we might have to amputate them." a doctor was seen inside Yogi's room. "How much is it doctor?" Yogi's mom asked. "A minimum of one thousand dollar." The doctor answered. "One thousand dollar?! I don't have that much money!" she was shocked. "Well you have to find it and it is due tonight." the doctor left the room. "Excuse me." Ian whispered. "Ah yes?" she looked at Ian. "I am Yogi's teacher, Ian. I heard Yogi had an accident. What was wrong ma'am?" Ian asked. "This morning Yogi pretended to be sick. He said he didn't wanna go to school. He said he didn't want to meet you. But... But I forced him! It's my fault!" she cried. Those words shocked Ian.

  "He said he didn't want to meet you." That sentence echoed inside Ian's mind. Ian went outside the hospital thinking how he would be able to save Yogi.

  A few minutes later... "Hey, there's an accident in front of the hospital! It's the teacher who came in just now!" Ian's body was found lying on the street. He was taken into the hospital. "Mr. Ramsdale! Are you alright?!" Yogi's mom and the doctor approached.

  "Yogi's mother... I have a high life insurance... That should be enough for Yogi's operation... Please... Save Yogi... Doctor... I beg you..." Ian left his dying message to Yogi's mom and the doctor. Seeing his actions, without hesitation, the doctor operated both him and Yogi.

  After a while... "58+43-36 equals?" Ian's body was full of bandages. "Umm... 65?" Yogi answered. "Good. Next one." Ian and Yogi talked to each other as a teacher and a student. Since that day, Yogi was never afraid of the scariest teacher at school, Ian. And he respected Ian more than ever, not just as a teacher but also as a hero and a savior.

Moral value: A teacher always gives the best to his students no matter how cruel or scary he is. Although Ian was cruel to Yogi, he willingly sacrificed his life to Yogi. So respect your teacher kids!
By Anthony
Advanced E

Friday 6 February 2009

Who is Kahlil

I am quite an interesting person...for some reason....I think....

I am very curious about foreign languages...that's way I am studying one...

I am going to have my hair cut tomorrow at a Maduranese barber shop...

I am happy to have lots of friend...because I hate to be alone...

I am not that dependable person...

I am currently desperate to find a job...

I am really I mean REALLY love sports...especially basketball...

I am glad to have someone who can look after me....

and of course...I am very easy to get bored over something....

so...that's all....

pets are to be loved. :D

santy says:
"I have 7 cats at home. They are goldie, maisy, wedox, putih, mellow, jenggi, and bubuu~ Maisy was the first cat i have. she acts like a dog which is rare happen to a cat. if i call her name she will run toward me, but she come if only i call her. my brothers and my parents had try to call her but she only look at them. Maisy sleep in my bed everynight... i love her so much..."

stacy says:

"i have 2 dogs at home. i named them after drinks. they are Brandy and Scotch, or scottie. hehe.. cute, huh? hehe.. Scotch is a pom, and brandy is a mini pom. they both love to be around humans. they'd rather being fed by hand than eat by themselves. they are sort of spoiled since we give them more attention than we do to the cats. o yeah, right, i have 2 cats also. they are Brownie and Choco. 4 of them never fight, but they slap each other sometimes., hoho.. (at that time i will place bets against my brother about who's gonna win.. haha). so yeah, pets are to be loved. muahh muahh~ :p"